Faith-Based Classes

The eight-week class includes engaging videos, a workbook, and discussions to improve relationship skills for personal growth and positive change.

The materials utilized in the class are from Ken Sande's RW360  series. Ken Sande, is an author and the founder of "PeaceMakers," and RW360 (relational wisdom 360) ministry. The materials provide valuable resources for enhancing relational dynamics based on biblical principles and values.

Embracing Christ’s two main commands, loving God wholeheartedly and treating others well, strengthens faith and relationships, leading to deeper connections and spiritual satisfaction on life's path.

God intended us to walk together in Jesus, not alone. We are meant to journey hand in hand, supporting and uplifting each other as we navigate life’s challenges.

Mark 12: 30-31 - Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”